2020 is a year that the Church and the world at large could not anticipate. The declaration of the novel 2019 coronavirus (COVID-19) a global pandemic had a direct impact on the way the Church went about it’s business. Without a doubt, now more than ever the world needs the Good News of hope, healing and salvation through Jesus Christ. Now more than ever the Great Commission must be our focus.
The Church of God of Prophecy in the Caribbean and the Atlantic Ocean isles has had to adapt quickly and shift focus to digital platforms for Church; areas that were not necessarily our primary focus in times gone by. What has become extremely evident is the need to move our preaching beyond the four-walls of any church building.
While our island states have faced death, suffering and significant restrictions in the face of COVID-19 we continue to give God thanks that our nations have been spared the ravaging that has been reported among the global community. Our response has been to watch and pray for our brother and sisters near and far. Our churches are also using the opportunity to grow more competent sharing the Gospel in the digital world and souls remain at the centre of our focus.
Join us in praying for those affected by COVID-19 in the Caribbean and across the globe.
See more information on The Church of God of Prophecy’s global response to COVID-19 .